Woodbine Garden Restaurant

Nestled in the Nature’s lap, situated near the Teak Museum & next to the tourist’s haven Cannoli’s Plot, Woodbine Garden Restaurant seeks to welcome you amidst lush green gardens in little huts complete with a children’s playground for a serene dining experience.

It manages to preserve the tranquil ambience in its outdoor ambience complete with Bamboo settings, birds cooing away in the background and bricked flooring, With a few fairy lights & lanterns to light up any occasion it's exactly how you'd imagine a little garden ambience you've got yourself the perfect date spot in town & for dining with friends & family…..

Hotel Facilities

These best facilities chosen by our customers

Natural Garden

A lovely garden adorned with rock garden, flowers flora & Birds cooing away in the background. Lovely lanterns that lit up the surroundings once dusk sets in ...

Childrens park

A lovely Kids park with tricycles & little cradle swing & a couples swing awaits its family diners & couple diners to enjoy while awaiting their Homely Fresh Food

Party Catering

A lovely ambience awaits those who wish to have their little Gatherings & Parties at a Cosy Nature's alcove..complete with a Flora sprinkled atmosphere


Free wifi available for our diners during Tea time & Snack bites from our snacks menu from 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm

Diners Bamboo Huts

Diners bamboo huts both large family dining huts & little huts cater to a travellers dream whim of savoring deliciacies in tune with Nature

A/C Restaurant

Our state of the art contemperory designed A/C Restaurant comes to the rescue during sweltering summers. Caters to our diners to beat the heat with our seasonal fresh coolers & cool desserts
